This video demonstrates how to do a preacher curl with a dumbbell. you hold a dumbbell in your right hand so that the edge of the bench is under your armpit and your arm is fully extended over the ben ...
This video demonstrates how to do a cable curl with a cable pulley machine. This exercise works the biceps. You curl the bar up to your chest and slowly lower in a controled manner. ...
This video shows you how to do a decline bench press with dumbbells. This exercise works primarily the lower chest and secondly the triceps and shoulders. You lie on a decline bench with dumbbells ext ...
This video demonstrates how to do a leg press with one leg using a leg press machine. This exercise primarilly works the quadriceps and buttocks. Make sure not to lock your knees so that your leg beco ...
This video demonstrates how to do standing claf raises with dumbbells. This exercise works the calves. You do this exercise with one dumbbell, after completing switch to other side. ...
This video demonstrates how to do barbell rows. This exercise works the upper back and latisimus dorsi. Do not move your back up and down in an effort to pick up the weight, pull the weight up by pull ...
This video shows how to properly do roman chair leg-lifts. The key is to use your abdominals to do the lifting and lowering in a slow and controlled manner. ...
This video shows the proper way to do cable crunches with a high pulley machine. This exercise works the upper and middle abdominals and the lower back. You need to attach a rope to the high pulley. ...
Rowing is heavy on the upper body, but the legs are important too. Gold medalist and one of Britain's former top rowers, Matthew Pinsent, shows his routine. This includes step ups and one legged squat ...